from スウェーデン/ ストックホルム
圧倒的センスと味わいで業界を先導し、世界中のファンを熱狂的にさせるオムニポロは、2011年Henok Fentie(ヘノク・フェンティ)とKarl Grandin(カール・グランディン)の二人で設立。
The stated goal of Omnipollo is “To change the perception of beer….forever.” They want beer to be more than a beverage. It should be a culinary experience blended with fashion, design and style, causing the drinker to re-think not only their drink but the world around them as well. This is a very lofty ambition, but Omnipollo is the brewery to make it happen.
Henok Fentie and Karl Grandin founded Omnipollo in 2011. Henok was a business student in London who grew to love pubs, became an avid homebrewer, and then knocked on doors in Belgium until De Proef brewing relented to his enthusiasm and brought him on to learn brewing. He learned well and they loved him there, and let him develop many of his home-brewing recipes into full-on beers. Many Omnipollo beers are still brewed at De Proef.
Karl is an illustrator, graphic designer and one of the founders of Cheap Monday, an iconoclastic jeans brand. Henok shared some beers and his vision for a different kind of beer company with a sense of fashion and style. Karl loved the idea and he was on board. Karl has complete freedom and independence to design the labels, Henok is equally free to design any beer he wants. Together they came up with a fitting name to describe this very unique partnership: Omnipollo comes from Omnipotent + Pollo (chicken in Spanish). I have never seen an omnipotent chicken, but I’m sure it would have fabulous style!
Omnipollo’s approach to beer is as different as its name. Business people who preach about branding would not approve of their methods. They do not put their logo on beers, and each label stands alone from the others. Karl designs each label as a separate work of art and graphic design. Nothing is recognizable as Omnipollo, other than that the beers look different from everyone else’s.
Henok also designs each recipe as a unique work and does not follow standard rules. Their first beer was Leon, brewed with whole cone hops from America and Champagne yeast from Belgium. Pretty extravagant for a new brewery, but they were focused on quality ingredients and unique recipes from day one. Henok brewed Fatamorgana as an IPA and Saison hybrid, but instead of taking the usual approach of using a Belgian Saison yeast with tons of American hops, he kept the standard IPA yeast and instead used malts, wheat, and oats to resemble a Saison, and dried the beer out at the end. The result is a hoppy IPA that drinks like a dry Saison without actually being a Saison. Another example is Yellow Belly, a beer that is billed as a peanut butter cookie imperial stout. It tastes very much like an adult version of a delicious peanut butter cookie, but uses no peanuts, or butter, or cookies. Playing with perceptions and expectations, using unexpected twists and methods, resulting in uniquely delicious brews: this is the essence of Omnipollo.
Omnipollo has taken the world by storm by brewing every style from pilsners to IPAs to mango lassie goses, to Mud Pie imperial stouts, and making them all deliciously unique. Then, wrapped in Carl’s fantastic artwork and graphics, the beers taste like no other in the world and look like no other in the world. And now, Omnipollo’s unique vision is coming to Japan. Japanese beer lovers and art lovers rejoice!
Henok Fentie(ヘノク・フェンティ)とKarl Grandin(カール・グランディン)は2011年にオムニポロを設立。
ヘノクは、ロンドンで経営学を学んでいましたが、いつしかパブが大好きになりホームブリューイングに熱心になっていきました。そして遂には、彼の意欲と熱心による交渉の末ベルギーのDe Proef brewingへの扉を開くことになり、そこでよく学び愛し数多くのレシピを造り上げてきました。多くのオムニポロのビールは、今もなおDe Proefで造られています。
一方カールは、イラストレーター&グラフィックデザイナーであり、スタンダードから逸脱したジーンズブラウンド”Cheap Monday”の創始者の1人でもあります。彼は、ヘノクからファッションセンスのあるビールの会社についてビジョンを打ち明けられると、そのアイディアとヘノクのビールが大変気に入り一緒に会社を立ち上げることに。
カールはラベルをデザインするには完全に自由ですし、独立もしている。ヘノクもまた、自分の飲みたいビールを自由にデザインできる。そうして、二人は非常にユニークなパートナーシップを結び”オムニポロ”という名前を思いつきました。オムニポロとは、Omnipotent(全能の・完全無敵な) + Pollo (スペイン語でチキンの意)。ロゴも、同じく鳥をモチーフに。
ヘノクもまた、スタンダードに囚われずビールのレシピをユニークにデザイン。原料のクオリティにフォーカスし、ブルワリー立上げ当初からすでにこだわりを見せていました。第一のビール”Leon”はホールホップスとシャンパン酵母を贅沢に使用。IPAとセゾンのハイブリッドですが、通常のベルジャンセゾンイーストを使用せずにホッピーでありながらドライなセゾンを造り上げました。”Yellow Belly”はピーナッツバタークッキーインペリアルスタウト。しかし一切のピーナッツもバターもクッキーも使用していません。彼のメソッドの結果、非常にユニークで美味しいビールが出来上がるのです。これが、オムニポロのエッセンス。